Friday, March 20, 2015

Feast of St. Joseph

I woke up late today but hurriedly got dressed and made a run to the coffee shop, located by our parish, with my daughter Melinda.  My other three children were already out in the world doing what they're supposed to be doing, I guess.....working.  Mary went to work at 'Towne Crier', which is a wonderful little steakhouse here in our hometown.  Jacob works as a 'bugman'; actually he works for a bug exterminating company.  He's very good at it; going into homes and getting rid of insects, rodents etc.  Lastly my son Joshua, sleeps late every day.  Still looking for a job.

But it was a quiet lovely spring day!  It felt good to be out in the world.  Coffee and cinnamon scones for myself and Melinda respectively, and a nice quiet drive around the outskirts of our hometown.  I have unfinished sewing, unfinished knitting and unfinished reading; but all can wait.

But today is the Feast Day of Saint Joseph, of all thngs!  So lovely!  It was a good day to just meditate and pray.  I took Melinda to her Ballet class later and did my daily walk around a local college campus and prayed the rosary.  I have an app on my iphone which I purchased; it has Ann Blyth reciting the rosary.  I have no idea when she did this album, but I just love it!!

And then I meditated on St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus and husband to Mary.  Our Lenten season is almost to an end.  More prayers, candle lighting, evening rosaries.  

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